24 December 2013

"Adios, Invasor"

This morning, I read this on one of the sites I frequent:  http://www.eurodressage.com/equestrian/2013/12/24/rafael-sotos-invasor-passed-away

The death of the great Andalusian stallion Invasor shows the power of the Internet.  Tribute videos are already popping up on YouTube. Of course, many great videos were already up. In fact, just yesterday, I rewatched Invasor's retirement ceremony on YouTube and wondered if the old fellow was still with us.

I show friends, riders, anyone who'll hold still videos of Invasor. Soto's seat no longer causes me to cringe. It's far from pretty, but the relaxation of one's horse is the best endorsement a rider can get.
I will always remember this stallion's utter calm, ears loose but attentive, while performing a passage well beyond exceptional.

Grand old horse. One I'll remember.