03 January 2009

For Riding Instructors

Anyone who reaches riding using the principles of dressage would do well to read both Lounging the Rider for a Perfect Seat: A How-To Guide for Riders, Instructors, and Longeurs by Benedik
Learning to Ride As an Adult: A New Training Method for First-Time Riders by Prockl.

Benedik doesn't believe anyone has a perfect seat, of course, so the title is a bit misleading.

In a way, Prockl's title is also misleading. And I would argue that her thesis is a bit iffy too. She contends that children are relaxed and natural on horses. This has not been my experience. I've started several girls under ten and found them to be among the most fearful and tense creatures I've ever met. I don't have any students under ten right now, but I suspect the exercises Prockl suggests adults do on a yoga ball would be of great benefit to a great many child riders too. So I wish Prockl had used a title that suggests the main topic of her book: learning to sit well through the use of an exercise ball.

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